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Mostar Sevdah Reunion je renomirana grupa iz Mostara, BiH, a poznati su po jedinstvenom spoju tradicionalnih sevdalinki s modernim jazzom, bluesom i romskom glazbom. Osnovana1998. godine, grupa je stekla međunarodno priznanje za oživljavanje i popularizaciju više od 400 godina stare tradicionalne glazbe Bosne i Hercegovine. Njihove emotivne glazbene izvedbe te vrhunsko muziciranje donijeli su im globalnu publiku, čineći ih kulturnim ambasadorima bosanske glazbe. Uz moćan glas Antonije Batinić, njihov najnoviji album "Lady Sings The Balkan Blues" je zauzeo vrh ljestvica svjetske glazbene scene i među ostalim je osvojio prestižnu nagradu Songlines za najbolju grupu 2024. godine. S brojnim albumima i svjetskim turnejama, Mostar Sevdah Reunion nastavlja očaravati publiku svojim emotivnim i bezvremenskim zvukom, a ovog srpnja nastupit će na najljepšoj pozornici u Dubrovniku – Park Orsula u sklopu festivala “Ljeto na Orsuli 2024.”.

Mostar Sevdah Reunion is a renowned musical group from Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, known for its unique blend of traditional Sevdalinka songs with modern jazz, blues, and Roma music influences. Formed in 1998, the band has gained international acclaim for reviving and popularizing the musical heritage of more than 400-year-old traditional music from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Their soulful performances and masterful musicianship have earned them a dedicated global following, making them cultural ambassadors of Bosnian music. Featuring the powerful voice of Antonija Batinić, their latest album, "Lady Sings The Balkan Blues," has topped world music charts and earned the prestigious Songlines award for Best Group in 2024. With numerous albums and world tours, Mostar Sevdah Reunion continues to enchant audiences with their emotive and timeless sound, and this July they will be performing on the most beautiful stage in Dubrovnik – the Park Orsula as a part of the music festival “Summer at Orsula 2024”.

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